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Educational toys have always been valuable for child developmental. They teach a range of physical and mental skills in pre-school and junior school-age children. However, in today’s rapidly evolving world, educational toys are more important than ever.

The most beneficial educational toys are those that encourage the kinds of skills and capacity that our children will absolutely need to enter the job market as adults. Today, the world is become more complex and more ‘high tech’ at a pace that leaves us almost unable to imagine what kind of environment our children will navigate their way through the time they complete school. So how do we prepare them?

We start early to equip them with what they’ll need. We do it from the earliest age possible, in the best way possible – through play with the best age-appropriate educational toys.

Educational Toys – Building Blocks for Future Success

Educational toys are essential to maximize development and prepare young children for a complex, high tech, equitable and competitive future.

Educational Toys teach:

Foundational skills: Children are no longer going to school to ‘learn to read and write’ as starting point to their education. They are going to pre-school to learn foundational skills they’ll need to be able to learn to code, innovate, build, problem-solve and thrive in advanced, complex society, in a highly competitive world. Then read and write.

Social skills: Educational toys are not only important for STEM and other foundational skills. They also teach essential social skills

Creative skills: The creative skills and creative problem solving that educational toys build in young children can go a long way. Steve Jobs was an artist before he became – Steve Jobs. It was his artistic skills that led to his world-changing tech innovation. The same is true the other way around. Superior math capacity (learned from STEM or construction toys) feeds music, art and, crucially, the ability to innovate in any field.

Physical skills: Depending on the toy, and what it requires in terms if physical interaction, educational toys can enhance a range of essential physical skills. Educational toys can fine-tune motor skills, promote hand-eye co-ordination, increase confidence for future success in sporting activities, art, writing, dancing, or any other activity that requires precision and dexterity.

It was Steve Jobs artistic skills that led to his world-changing tech innovation

Early ‘Head-start’ Learning with Educational Toys

There is a widening gap between educational outcomes in children who get the opportunity to benefit from educational toys at an early age and those who don’t.

Educational Toys teach age-appropriate skills. Each age-appropriate skill learned is a foundational building block for further skills acquisition. For example, ‘magnetic tiles’ will have taught your kids the basics of trigonometry long before they start math, long before they are even capable of saying or spelling ‘trigonometry’.

However, long before they need to do that, these kinds of educational toys will help your child learn self-confidence and the social skills they’ll need to thrive through school and with their peers. This benefits all children – but especially those who might otherwise fall behind over time due to developmental, learning or other challenges that make social acceptance difficult.

Educational Toys offer the Optimal Educational and Developmental Outcomes

It can be argued that all toys are educational – since children learn through play. That’s true, to a point, and while you save to invest in magnatiles, you’ll certainly be helping your 6 month old get a head-start with some Tupperware containers.

However, the best education toys are ones that challenge children in an optimally age-appropriate way. Many toys become obsolete past a certain age. Some of most advanced and educationally beneficial toys on the market today can span developmental stages to maximize the developmental benefits they offer. Picture a scene where kids are sitting at a table and chair, engrossed in play with versatile toys (An example is Magnatiles which are designed to build increasingly sophisticated problem-solving, STEM and other skills as well as maximum creative capacity from ages 2 through to ten.)

The future is in the hands of children who have learned that they can change the world, create anything they imagine (or not – and why), while working successfully with others. EQ (Emotional Intelligence), IQ and physical development are equally supported through early childhood play with the most advanced educational toys. Today’s children need all those benefits, in equal measure, to develop their full potential, talent, confidence, skills and future learning capacity – and that is why educational toys are more important than ever.

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